"It's your life, Whatcha gonna do? The world is watching you...Every day the choices you make, say what you are and who your heart beats for...."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Detroit Zoo 5K - Run Wild at the Zoo and other things!
Training/Running has been going good - it's kinda to a halt as of the last couple days - got myself totally sunburned again - and CANNOT stand to have things rub across the burn at the moment - so I'm just going to have to get my exercise by walking Maddie - another day or so and I should be back out there.
Just when I think things are winding down - I find myself super busy again! I guess it's better to be busy than to just sit home with nothing to do. Sometimes though I'd like to just escape with my book and spend the day lounging and reading!
End of the month we'll be taking Karen on her mystery Bachelorette trip! It's going to be so much fun - she still has no clue where we're going - just what to pack! I'll be sure to post some pix when we're back.
Working on trying to cross some things off my bucket list - stay tuned for those. I know I keep saying this but I really should try to keep this more up to date instead of checking in just once a month.
All in all my life seems to be going along smoothly. Church class is going excellent. Learning a lot - and I actually am getting baptised this Wednesday, so that's pretty exciting! I lost another 2lbs this week... so yeah good things all around!
More later - it's time to get to work!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Things are FINALLY starting to slow down
Since my last rant I'm happy to report that I've lost -3.5lbs which is a good start. I seem to have my eating under control somewhat and now going to keep adding exercise back in. Before I know it I'll be on a roll and hard to stop me! I still want to try to lose 16.5lbs before the end of August. I don't know if I'll be able to do it but I'm sure going to try!
Went to the Doc to find out why I've been so tired lately. All blood tests came back normal except for the white count again which was slightly elevated - which shows I'm fighting something off yet I feel completely normal. She suggests that perhaps I'm depressed or have some anxiety - yet when I question myself I don't really think I have any of those. Her diagnosis is to keep eating well - "get my ass in gear" and exercise and as far as the white count goes - we'll just do follow up testing later if I still feel this "tired" feeling. She did say one good thing was my weight was pretty constant - and usually depression has you go one way or the other. I hate my constant weight - though I want it to go down not up!
I'm reading this really good book given to me by my friend Deb. It's called Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn - by Kris Radish. I really love this book - I'm only about 80 pages in and it's really talking to me. It’s about how sometimes it takes the shock of a lifetime to get you to really start living. One part of it that really sticks out to me is this:
"It is perhaps remarkable to remember the moment when you wake up. It is perhaps remarkable to be able to step outside of your mind and body and see your flaws and missteps and yearnings. It is remarkable to be able to put your finger on your own pulse and to say that you suddenly understand that unhappiness is a choice and that everyone, even you, can change directions, or better yet, find direction at any moment in your life."
This great book follows Meg and her amazing friends in her search after something major happens in her life. If anyone is looking for a book to read, I'd say give this one a shot!
So yeah - my life seems to be slowing down a little for me to take a deep breath and sit back and relax a little. Plans for Karen's Bachelorette party are coming along GREAT.... I've been working on some knitting and some cross stitching and just keeping busy with my spare time at home. Let's not forget also that I recently purchased an iPhone. I'm really loving it and so far my experience with AT&T "service" hasn't been that bad - their customer service however...they need to learn a thing or two!
My plan for the coming weeks - relax and exercise and see what a difference it can make. I'll try to remember to blog on this more often - it really helps and I'm delighted that I actually have people that comment!
Moving on and upward!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Enough with the Bullshit!
I've had it - I keep making excuses on why I haven't been exercising - Because my family is here... or because I have a party... or whatever.... IT DOESN'T MATTER! I don't know why I can't get that through my head and understand, no matter what's going on in my life I can be in control of my choices. I'm going to be honest. Trying to lose weight is damn hard. I should know, I've been trying to get to my goal weight since 2000. I've come a long way..once was 312lbs and have now lost over 100lbs of that.....but I'm not finished, and there is no reason why I can't finish. I need to figure out whatever is keeping me here hovering around the same 10lbs for the last couple years.... but honestly ...I just need to DO THIS! Get my butt in gear, follow the program and exercise. It's not hard. I now have no more distractions in my life...it's just me and I need to put myself first for once!
No more being LAZY Lauren...just get out there and do it. I have many goals for this summer - I want to look so amazingly beautiful and thin in Karen and Jared's wedding....and I want to be running a fit 5k before my training starts for the Disney 1/2 marathon. Both of these goals have something in common.... LOSING WEIGHT! Yes...I'm sure I will still struggle - but I know if I can lose over 100lbs I can lose this last 50. So, I'm starting today - and I'm going to continue to use the blog to post/rant/cry over successes or failures - but either way I'm going to keep pushing. My mini goal is to lose 20lbs in 2 months - that's 10 per month (I'll take more if I can get it) I'm going to commit to doing some sort of exercise EVERY DAY - as well as stay on plan.
This whole thing starts with me - I know in my heart that I can do it, and I hope along the way I can figure out whatever it is that's been holding me back around this same 10lbs - maybe I'm scared? Scared of failing? I don’t know - I've inspired so many people to do this and lose weight...and people to start a running program... now it's time to inspire myself... Get out there Lauren and give it your all...and Shine for everyone to see.
It's your life...whatcha gonna do....the world is watching you.....
Here's to seeing you at the finish line
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Spring has Sprung!
Flower stands are popping up everywhere! I’m getting so excited to pick out and plant my flower boxes! I' actually stopped the other day at one, just to browse. I’m not actually going to buy any and plant till the end of May, so I’m sure that it won’t frost anymore. Anyway, I found a TON of beautiful flowers. Then again….that isn’t hard with me. I love flowers and I love planting! My balcony is pretty much in the sun all day – so I’m looking to get flowers that are either full sun or partial sun. I think I’ve narrowed it down to a few:
I would need to find the dwarf version though – those only grow about 10” and won’t get way too tall (regular get to be about 18”)

Lots of color and that’s what I’m looking for! :)
These actually look like “fuzzy” paint brush type flowers.
I’m also hoping my dad will bring me a Sunpatient.
My dad was able to get this in FL – and I’m hoping he’ll be able to grab another one and bring it up to me in June~!
Besides getting my little patio space ready for summer and planting - I’ve been really enjoying the birds! I bought a new bird feeder – one that doesn’t seem to be as messy as as the one I first bought. I’ve been trying to capture picture of my birds to post, but it’s so hard!! They seem to always know when I’m about to take the picture! I get house finches, sparrows, chickadees, and cardinals. I also have a blue jay that likes to visit and steal peanuts. Oh and lets not forget the nuthatches! I have at least 3 at a time at the feeder – and then there is one that likes to peck (hard) at my railing. Stinky lil bugger! Also the other day I had my first pair of gold finches!! I really hope they come back – but I haven’t seen them. Perhaps I should buy the kind of seed they love. We’ll see.
My little family is getting ready for Summer! I need to still get Dutchess groomed, but Maddie went the other day to get her summer hair do!
Maddie Before
Maddie After
Also – I discovered the most interesting thing. White Castle is selling little candles that are in ceramic White Castle boxes….and get this…..it smells like White Castle burgers!!! I haven’t lit mine yet….but I can tell you it has a very… “Interesting” smell! LOL :) What makes it even better...the $10 you spend on the candle actually goes to help fight autism!
Ok..that’s all for now – More later!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Every Girl has got to get one…
My friends and I took a trip to Birch Run this weekend to shop at the outlets. We all got great deals, one of which was at the Coach store. I’ve always dreamed of a Coach purse – but never purchased one. I usually buy my purses from Target or Payless – never spending much on them. Well the Coach store yesterday was INSANE!! I couldn’t believe how many women were walking around with 2 or 3 purses on their arms and ended up getting at least 2. That store is just raking in the money I swear. Anyway I did find the perfect Coach for me – it was on the Clearance table – with 50% off the lowest marked price and then I also had another 20% coupon on top of that! So…with that good deal it brought the purse to just over $100….I was like…hmmm… I really want to spoil myself…but I’ve NEVER spent this much on a purse…well I did it! I went for it and I’m now the proud owner of my first Coach purse!
It was a wonderful experience. They even wrapped it in the coach tissue and sealed it with a sticker… and I walked out of that store super proud.
I did end up getting some good deals at the other stores including Columbia, Bath and Body works, and Yankee Candle! Lets not forget to mention my new Croc Sandals for $10. Overall it was a wonderful and LONG day. The 3 of us girls shopped from about Noon till about 7:30ish – I didn’t get home until about 8:30… what a day! I couldn’t have asked to spend it with 2 better people! We had a blast.
Now…lets just not panic with the credit card bill comes in..mmmmkay!?
Off to another adventure!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
April Showers….bring May Flowers
So excited for May flowers!! I was shopping the other day at Randazzo’s and they had the most beautiful tulips there – so I bought a couple bunches – They’re super pretty!
This April has been many things for me. A time to reflect on what I want in my life and what direction I’m going and how I’m going to achieve all my goals. I feel good and I feel new. I’ve been doing great with Weight Watchers the last few weeks. I’ve got my eating under control and right and it feels wonderful. Not only is that part going good – but I’ve actually started running again. Now, I haven’t gone far – just starting off doing 1 mile straight. But I’m doing it! Baby steps back into the 13.1 miles that I use to be able to do straight and will once again. As of last April I haven’t done much running wise. While doing the Martian Marathon – I tried to run, with not enough training, I injured my knee and I’ve been scared to run since. All that putting it off made me more afraid to start back up again, afraid that I couldn’t do it anymore and afraid to find that pain. I’m happy to say that so far so good! I’ve run a few times now and have absolutely no pain!! I feel strong and in control and happy – and I haven’t been able to say that in a long time.
I with out a doubt know that this change in my life has to do with the fact that I have amazing friends and family who are always there for me and the fact that I’ve found a new church that I can call home. I’ve found my relationship with God again and just being able to talk to him in prayer and lean on him…..surrender all my pain to him has made all the difference. I am strong and I will move on and I know with Him by my side things will be good! I have a happy heart! I’m excited to see what each day brings.
Being in control is AMAZING! I’ve been planning out all my meals and working hard to keep that going. This weeks weigh in is going to be great! I can already tell (and let’s be honest…I’ve been scale hopping!) By the end of May I’d like to be 10lbs lighter if not more. Can I do it? Lets find out.
Isaiah 40:31 -
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
With Him….I will surely run and not grow weary!
Here’s to another great week and more running!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
I’m so ready for Spring/Summer – not only for the warmer weather but also for the longer days, and beautiful flowers. I’ve been slowly buying things for my balcony these past few weeks, to get my little space ready for Summer! This is such a change from where I use to live. Before all I heard was the traffic from I-94, and now all I hear is birds chirping and the occasional kid playing. Listening to the birds is the best thing ever! I decided I wanted to put out a bird feeder. I’m not allowed to install things on my balcony, such as drilling/nailing/screwing things into the wood railing or siding. I searched local hardware stores and such and couldn’t find anything that I could use. Finally I saw someone here in the complex had a clamp style hook for plants/bird feeders. Since I couldn’t find anything here like that, I took my search online and finally ended up ordering one at Ace Hardware. It came in today and I was finally able to hang the feeder! So far I’ve only seen house finches coming to eat, but I often hear chickadees out there….I can’t wait to see what other kinds of birds come to eat! Maddie (my dog) and Dutchess (my cat) love that I’m feeding the birds – they sit here and watch.
It’s too cold to plant flowers yet, but I’m seriously counting the days. The planters I blogged about earlier actually came in and I tried them on the railing for size. I can’t wait to just plant them with some beautifully colored flowers. I know pansy’s do well in colder weather – so I bought some at Kroger last time I was there – so that’s a start.
The side table I ordered that matches my little bistro set should be in this week and then I can place that out there as well. I should stop by my storage unit too and get my gravity lounger to put there there and then on sunny beautiful days such as this I can spend hours outside lounging and reading!
Little by little my space is coming together. I’m excited about it and can’t wait to see it all done and in bloom.
I’m spending today just recovering from my 1/2 marathon. Just a little sore today – but plan to hit the gym early tomorrow morning to do at least a mile on the tread. Time to get my butt in gear.
Well I’m off to enjoy the beautiful day.
More soon!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Martian 1/2 Marathon
Well, today was the day! Karen, Jared, Mike and I all walked 13.1 miles in the Martian 1/2 marathon! We actually did a great job. Karen and I had first set our goal to complete it in 4 hours – I was thinking that was totally doable – but then as we kept a good pace and thinking back hearing the guys say the wanted to try to do it in 3.5 hours – we decided to up our goal to 3.5 miles. We kept up a very strong pace and ran about the last 3/4 mile in to (according to my Garmin) we crossed over at 3:29:42!! We made our goal! I can’t tell you how great it was to actually finish a race WITH someone…..to cross over that finish line and actually be able to hug the person!! I was so happy that I got to share that with Karen – It’s something I’ll never forget.
I have done the Martian 1/2 for the last few years in a row….I always brag about the cool shirts they hand out…See below:
NOW…… check out how LAME ASS this years shirt was…I mean…totally BLAH – not to mention if you ordered a XL and were a girl they gave you the “Ladies” cut shirt – which are cut shorter and run smaller…. Mine is a total belly shirt on me…I’m NOT happy – but they had no men’s shirts left so I couldn’t trade mine in. I’m stuck with it and I guess it will be a goal shirt to fit into….
I hope that next year they turn it around and go back to the awesome style that they had before. I rather dug it!
I was able to add my medal to my “Wall of fame” Now on to the next! I plan to keep this up and even start running again. I was pretty excited that Karen said she’ll try running some 5K’s with me….Turkey Trot here I come!
Well, I’m off to put my aching feet up and relax!
More soon!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
NEW WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: I BELIEVE, BUT...Ever been asked about your Christian beliefs regarding current events, controversial topics, or hard sayings of the Bible? What about capital punishment? Is God green? Aren’t most Christians intolerant? Don’t you see the contradictions in the Bible? Have you ever answered, “I believe what the Bible says, but… ?” Join us on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and equip yourself to eliminate the “but.”
I think that I'm going to attend this new Bible study going on at church. So many times I find myself in that role...saying "I believe, but..." This is going to be so interesting!!
What's Doing?
Things that are new in my life - I've joined a really awesome church. I forgot how much I loved going and loved worshiping God. I mean all this time I felt the pull but didn't really know where I belong. When I moved last October, I'd pass all these new churches and think... wonder how their service is? I really need to find a place! Well I have...and let me say..it's pretty awesome! I'm so happy that I found my church home before Holy week too! :) I'm now attending and meeting new people and making myself at "home" I feel good - and you know last week I could say that for the first time in a LONG time I actually had a happy heart! I can't wait to watch myself grow and see how my life changes along the line. I'm really trying to live a better life - and become a better Christian.
Yesterday I got some major good things done for my little balcony patio. During my lunch break I ran out to Target - I found a bird feeder online that I really liked and I was hoping that I could get it in the store! Well, I found it! I got that and some bird food along with some extras that I went in for. I also went to the hardware store. I'm trying to find a clamp hook to clamp on to the railing of my balcony so that I can hang my bird feeder over the edge. I've seen them online, but I can't seem to find them in any stores. I didn't have any luck at Ace hardware, but knew I could order it online and have it sent to them for free. When I got back to work that's just what I did! I can't wait for it to come and I can hang it. I hope the birds find it fast! I also ordered some super cool planters. I ordered 2 of them in the "Bone" color. They actually fit on to the railing and fit snugly so that they won't fall off. I can't wait until the end of May and I can put flowers up on my balcony! We actually have a contest at the complex. First place gets $100 off their rent, 2nd $50 and 3rd $25. I'm determined to at least get one of those! Time will tell.
So I sat out on my balcony - kicked my feet up and read my book. I sat out there reading until it was getting too dark for me to see. I headed inside, cleaned up and then couldn't resist picking up the book again. I'm reading J.R. Ward's - Lover Avenged. This is the 7th in the series I believe and super good! You know I end up reading a lot of books - I've placed a link on my homepage to my Good Reads site/profile! You should totally check out and be friend me! :) We can be book friends too.
Tonight I'm having my friend Jenny over for a Biggest Loser dinner party. We're doing pot roast and veggies tonight - watching biggest loser and then just vegging out! I'm going to do my fair bit of relaxing this week as Thursday I'll be walking 6 miles and then Saturday is the 1/2 Marathon. I'll have to post pix and what not from that!
Time to get busy and get some work done!
More soon!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Here's to a fresh new start!
Here's to that fresh new start!